We get earned coverage in media such as

Our REAL method
What we can do for you

Featured plans
Take the plunge and turn your brand around! As part of our welcome, we want to show you our featured plans and their fixed prices to give you a clear and simple picture of what we offer.
The perfect annual plan for those taking their first steps into media
Digital consultancy
12 press releases
Basic report on every release
Press request handling
Image bank management
Reactive interview management
Basic monthly results report (clipping) – no media monitoring service
Online meetings
The perfect annual plan for those who want to set up or improve their Instagram presence
Digital consultancy and meetings
Account creation and profile optimisation
Market research
Social Media strategy development
Editorial and content calendar creation
Weekly posts: 3 grid posts and 5 stories (Mon-Fri)
Community management
Monthly report
The perfect annual plan for destinations looking to start or improve their marketing in Spain
Digital consultancy
4 e-newsletters
Constant contact with the trade
Search for co-marketing opportunities and campaigns with the trade
Organising 1 online seminar
Market analysis report
Monthly activity report
Catalogue audit (maximum 10)
Online meetings
Made-to-measure plan, perfect for
Those who want a bit of this and a bit of that
Limited time only, a few months
Medium- or long-term strategies
For those with specific needs
For those who want a presence on other Social Media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
For those working to certain objectives
Fully tailored to your needs
Fill in our form and tell us about your needs and which services you’re interested in. We’ll be in touch!
Do you want to know a bit more about our market?
We would like to share with you a Spanish market overview where you will find some key figures about how Spaniards travel, how is the trade industry as well as the media landscape.

Your team
Real. The most personal digital marketing and communication agency.
Just as our name suggests, this is for people who are real, authentic, true, and big-hearted. Our focus is on closeness, respect, simplicity, and transparency.

Sergio Flecha

Alba Prieto
“The difference between what’s real and what isn’t is in the heart”
– John Forbes Nash – –
Alba and Sergio in 4 numbers
Some brands we work with at Real

Algunas marcas con las que han trabajado
Sergio y Alba
Hello again! 🙂
If you’ve come this far…thank you!
We really love communication and dialogue, and we think listening is an art. Want to know why? Because you matter to us.
If you’d like to say hi, tell us what you think, or ask us a question, please get in touch!
“Everything you can imagine is Real”
– Pablo Picasso –